Compare & Contrast

There are two types of girls at Chapman University; ones who wear jeans and ones who wear leggings. I personally fall under the category of girls who wear leggings every single day. I have never been able to understand how some people wear jeans all the time and continue to be comfortable. Leggings match with everything, so it only takes me 5 seconds to get my outfit put together each morning. This gives me an extra 5 minutes of sleep each day because I do not have to think about what I want to wear or worry if it matches. I remember when I bought my first pair of Lululemon leggings because I felt so stylish. Lululemon was the newest trend that everyone had to have. I was in 9th grade and proudly walked up to the cash register with my new purchase, as my mom handed over her credit card. I refused to take them off and wore them day after day.                                                                   when-all-leggings-meme

Today, leggings are still a popular trend, but fewer people are wearing them every day. More people have moved back to jeans, and I do not never understand why. The main turning point that drove me only to wear leggings was during my freshman year. Have you ever tried working out in skinny jeans? I wore jeans at a gym tour because I was not expecting to do any physical activity. But the tour guide would not take no for an answer and made me try all the work out equipment. Trust me, trying to squat while using the Battle Ropes with jeans was not a pretty sight. That moment left me scarred, so I always wear leggings in case another scenario like that happens.

Some could say that people who wear leggings are more prepared for any situation and are always on their toes. Endurance set aside, a person wearing leggings would be able to run away much faster from a murderer than someone wearing jeans. A person wearing jeans would have shorter strides because jeans are not as stretchy as leggings. Leggings are also much more comfortable during the hot California summers because they can breathe. Not only do jeans not breathe well, but they also are much bulkier. During the heat, the sweat just sits on jeans and makes it even more uncomfortable. What kind of insane person wants to sit in their sweat all day long? Therefore, I think I am justified when I state that leggings are better than jeans.


One thought on “Compare & Contrast

  1. I really enjoyed your personal story about the gym! It defineltly made me laugh especially since I am also the type of person who likes wear leggings or some sort of athletic clothing every day. I like to think I am more prepared than the next person. I can honestly say this just made me feel better about wearing leggings everyday! Good job!


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