Observation Blog

The woman sitting at the booth next to me, at Carmelita’s Kitchen in Laguna Beach, was getting dinner with two of her friends, who appeared to be either dating or married. The woman was blonde, straight, and mid length hair. Since she was sitting in a booth, her height was not clear; but it looked like she would be about average height for a woman. When I was observing her actions, she had her male friend take a picture of her. She made him take multiple pictures because she did not like the lighting in one of them and then she just didn’t like how she looked in the other one. At the end, I heard her friend say “Oh that’s a good one!” After that picture was taken, she seemed content and sipped on her margarita. She continued to stare at her phone, instead of interacting with her friends.


Afterwards, my friend an I went to the gas station and noticed this tall man, with a bushy beard, was lurking nearby. He was talking to himself and seemed upset as he was walking through the bushes to get to the gas station. The man had a two large duffle bag, a backpack, and a couple grocery bags stuffed into his backpack. He wore a black top hat, a ripped white shirt, a distressed pair of grey shorts, and a raggedy pair of tennis shoes. Based off those observations, he appeared that he were homeless. He slowly continued to walk closer to us as we were sitting in our car. He stared at us in our car as we sat there waiting for him to pass by. Then he found another man on the other side of the gas station and started to converse with him. He looked much happier after he started talking to this mother man. He smiled more and seemed very interested in the conversation he was having, since he continued to move closer to the other man.

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