Final Reflection

The moment I stepped into the Orange High workshop, I felt terrified. The class will filled with about 20 students that were all much taller than me. Once Erin and I found sat with a group of Orange High students, I felt a little better because I wasn’t roaming around the room aimlessly when I…Read more Final Reflection

Observation Blog

The woman sitting at the booth next to me, at Carmelita’s Kitchen in Laguna Beach, was getting dinner with two of her friends, who appeared to be either dating or married. The woman was blonde, straight, and mid length hair. Since she was sitting in a booth, her height was not clear; but it looked…Read more Observation Blog


THE 10 RULES OF PUPPYTOWN When each citizen turns 25 years old, you must take on the duty to adopt a puppy. Your puppy is your lifeline! Every 1 year your dog lives represents 7 years of your own life. (So, if your puppy lives 10 years, you will live to 70 years old). These…Read more Utopia

Rhetorical Analysis

Brock Turner’s rape victim wrote an open letter about the attack, which she read to him and the jury during the court hearing. The victim was unconscious when two graduate students from Stanford University noticed that she was being raped by Brock Turner behind a dumpster. Brock Turner immediately took off when the grad students…Read more Rhetorical Analysis

1984 Blog

Orwell’s vision of the telescreen has completely become a reality in our homes. The telescreen in 1984 was to prevent people from having free thoughts, which the government feared would cause people to become independent and rebel. The telescreens were placed in everyone’s home so that they could see and hear everything that the people…Read more 1984 Blog

Open Letter

Dear Clinique, On your website, you claim to be “committed to the elimination of animal testing,” but you are still on the list of cosmetic brands that are not cruelty-free? You further explain that “[you] do not conduct animal testing on [your] products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on [your] behalf, except when…Read more Open Letter

Compare & Contrast

There are two types of girls at Chapman University; ones who wear jeans and ones who wear leggings. I personally fall under the category of girls who wear leggings every single day. I have never been able to understand how some people wear jeans all the time and continue to be comfortable. Leggings match with…Read more Compare & Contrast

3 Audiences

*DISCLAIMER: None of what I am saying is based on a real-life situation. This blog post was only written for a college course. Dear Kylee, You know how we have talked about being each other’s maid of honor? Unfortunately, I won’t need a maid of honor because I ended up eloping in Hawaii. Please don’t…Read more 3 Audiences